A go-kart crash in Sandown, NH, sent a Derry man to Beth Israel Hospital in Boston on Monday.

At approximately 3 p.m., Alex Forrester, 23, was operating a go-kart on private land located at the end of Hersey Road in Sandown when he lost control, went off a trail and hit a tree head-on.

Forrester was ejected from the go-kart, which left him with potentially life-threatening injuries.

Fish and Game personnel, Sandown police, Sandown fire and EMS personnel, along with members of Trinity EMS, responded to the location of the crash.

Due to the nature of the injuries Forrester sustained during the crash, he was transported by Sandown Ambulance to Depot Park in Hampstead, NH.

Forrester was then transported by DHART helicopter to Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, Mass., according to a press release issued by Conservation Officer Richard Crouse of New Hampshire Fish and Game.

Fish and Game officials would like to remind all riders to operate within their capabilities and, regardless of age, to always wear appropriate safety gear while operating OHRVs.

People should wear tight-fitted clothing, helmets and safety harnesses while on a go-kart. 

Crouse said that based on an ongoing investigation, Forrester had limited experience operating an OHRV and it appears inexperience and speed were the biggest contributing factors to the crash.

Forrester was also not wearing any safety equipment and didn’t utilize the safety harness the go-kart was equipped with, which contributed to the nature of the injuries sustained as well, according to the press release.

Contact Managing News Editor Kimberley Haas at Kimberley.Haas@townsquaremedia.com.

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