Pro Portsmouth has raised the necessary funds to cover the costs of fireworks and ice sculptures for First Night Portsmouth.

In a break from its past New Years Eve celebration designed for families there will be no indoor events meaning Pro Portsmouth had to make up what the sale of buttons would bring in. A fundraising effort brought in $15,000 in donations that will also go towards not only material costs but insurance, police, fire and public works.

Executive Director Barbara Massar said it was moving for her to see some of the donations as she knew people were giving what they could to make First Night a reality after being canceled in 2020 because of the pandemic.

“We saw donations across the spectrum: from businesses large and small, to families and individuals. Some people we knew, others were new to us, but all came together to make this possible,” Massar said.

The fireworks are tentatively scheduled for 8 p.m. on New Years at South Mill Pond with an ice sculpture by Jeff Day and Ice Designs with final logistics to be worked out with the city.

Contact reporter Dan Alexander at or via Twitter @DanAlexanderNH

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