A Rochester Police officer got a woman out of her burning home Sunday afternoon.

The fire in the second floor and attic of the home set back from Old Dover Road was first reported around 1:26 p.m. Smoke alarms alerted the residents, a married man and woman, to the fire. They both got out of the house along with a pet.

Fire at a house on Old Dover Road in Rochester
Fire at a house on Old Dover Road in Rochester (Somersworth Professional Firefighters Local 2320)

Rochester Police officer Nick Alexander used a fire extinguisher to slow the fire on a staircase and was able to help the wife, who is disabled, down the stairs to safety.

The house was left uninhabitable by the fire due to the fire, smoke, and water damage. Red Cross of Northern New England offered financial assistance, comfort kits, blankets, and disaster-related health services to help meet the couple's immediate needs.

Rochester fire officials said the cause of fire was undetermined but not suspicious.

Photos courtesy Robert Nettles Photography

Fire at a house on Old Dover Road in Rochester 1/22/23
Fire at a house on Old Dover Road in Rochester 1/22/23 (Robert Nettles)

Contact reporter Dan Alexander at Dan.Alexander@townsquaremedia.com or via Twitter @DanAlexanderNH

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