GOP Challengers Blast Pappas For ‘Build Back Better’ Bill Support
As the all-Democratic New Hampshire congressional delegation touted House passage of the massive Build Back Better Rep. Chris Pappas drew fire for his support from Republican challengers in the First Congressional District primary.
The $1.75 trillion bill passed nearly along party lines Friday morning with Maine Rep. Jared Golden the only Democrat to vote against it.
"This version of the bill is not the best deal for my constituents. I’m going to keep pushing to make changes to the Build Back Better Act so that it lives up to its goals and delivers the best possible deal for the people I represent," Golden wrote in a series of tweets.
Golden's biggest issue with the bill is the restoration of a larger SALT deduction which he said will benefit millionaires.
"I support many of the ideas in the Build Back Better Act: pre-K, lower-priced Rx drugs for seniors, expanded child tax credits, addressing climate change, and more," Golden wrote. "But voting for these should not be contingent on voting for tax giveaways to millionaires.
Pappas Takes Twitter Fire On His Vote
Rep. Chris Pappas fully supported the bill and said in a statement it will lower taxes and bring down the cost of everyday expenses, a claim met with skepticism by most of his potential opponents in the general election in November 2022.
"It will invest in a strong workforce that will help our small businesses and economy thrive. It will lift up working people, give our kids the best head start we can, and chart a course for a healthier, stronger, more resilient future," Pappas wrote in a statement.
Matt Mowers vowed to make sure Pappas pays for the vote with his job in the election in November and accused him of abandoning New Hampshire families.
"He chose spending for liberal pet projects like the Green New Deal over Granite Staters trying to make ends meet with already inflated prices for food and energy," Mowers wrote in a tweet.
Karoline Leavitt called Pappas claim to lower taxes a "blatant lie" and also vowed payback over the support.
"You voted to raise taxes on the middle-class, exacerbate record-high inflation, & add more than $380 BILLION to our national debt," Leavitt said in a tweet. "The people are paying for your socialist agenda, and they will make YOU pay at the ballot box next year."
"Chris Pappas voted for a bill that explodes the deficit, fuels out of control inflation, and raises tax rates to the highest levels in the developed world," Gail Huff Brown tweeted. "This reckless and arrogant bill is an unprecedented intrusion into our lives and is a time bomb for our struggling economy.
Huff Brown also received the endorsement this week of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich
Julian Acciard was also upset at the vote and the financial deficit he says it creates for future generations.
"You voted to enslave our grandchildren at birth with hundreds of thousands in debt and virtually guaranteed and economic collapse," Acciard tweeted. "The tone deaf votes on party line policy by our federal delegation is absolutely a betrayal of Granite Staters."
Tim Baxter did not tweet a response to the bill
Next Stop: Senate
The bill moves onto the Senate where it has at least two more votes from the New Hamshire congressional delegation in Sen. Jeanne Shaheen and Sen. Maggie Hassan.
"I’m especially proud that this bill includes numerous priorities that I’ve long fought for, which will address the high costs of insulin, extend premium tax credits, expand access to high-quality child care and early childhood education, increase affordable housing units, provide permanent paid family and medical leave and prioritize energy efficiency to build a more sustainable future," Shaheen said in a statement.
Hassan is pleased with the Child Tax Credit and a bipartisan amendment that she authored to double the R&D tax credit for startups and small businesses.
“While we have details left to finalize through the Senate process, the House-passed economic package includes important provisions that would help lower costs for Granite Staters and get people back to work," Hassan said in her statement.
Contact reporter Dan Alexander at Dan.Alexander@townsquaremedia.com or via Twitter @DanAlexanderNH
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