Meet the Newest Member of the Rochester, NH Police Department
Officials at the Rochester Police Department announced the newest addition to their force on Thursday and you could be the one who has the honor of choosing a name for this loveable puppy.
The 12-week-old female German Shepherd is seen below with Officer Dwayne Hatch, who completed his training at the NH Police Academy in 2014.
Hatch will be working with the Working Dog Foundation, which provides ongoing, consistent training for New Hampshire Police K-9 Teams.
Hatch received his tracking certification with K9 Gunner last month. He was selected to work with K9 Officer Keith Mackenzie and Gunner, who is a bloodhound.
Hatch took over the reins for Mackenzie in May when he retired.
On Thursday, officials at the police department in Rochester posted the following, saying members of the public could comment with their best name suggestions:
Within five hours, there were more than 1,300 reactions, 420 comments and 54 shares.
According to the Rochester Police Department's website, their Patrol Services Bureau is made up of 26 patrol officers, two motor vehicle officers, 1 K-9 officer, four sergeants, three lieutenants, one captain, one crime analyst and one support person.
Contact Managing News Editor Kimberley Haas at Kimberley.Haas@townsquaremedia.com.
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