Apparently, it's not stopping...

The pole strikes again! This is the pole without a car wrapped around it.

Google Streetview
Google Streetview

This is the pole with the latest wrapped around it.

Randy Mitchell
Randy Mitchell

This pole is quite famous. It's only at the Walmart in Auburn. For some reason, the poles at all the other Walmart locations don't have the force that this little pole does.

It's become a mystery that must be cracked! Why DO cars keep hitting the poles at the Auburn Walmart?

Christopher Norris
Christopher Norris

What if they changed the color of the pole? Maybe GREEN would stop them from hitting it!

Sanylia Gray
Sanylia Gray


Jeffrey Miller
Jeffrey Miller

Then in September, it was thought that the Amish may have accidentally solved the crashing problem. Just take up 3 parking spaces!

u/cerrvine Reddit
u/cerrvine Reddit

In early June a lovely teacher from Auburn who passed away even included the infamous Auburn Walmart pole in her obituary!

Albert & Burpee
Albert & Burpee

And keep hitting that pole.

Facebook via Krystal McFetridge
Facebook via Krystal McFetridge


Be careful. This pole obviously has an agenda and it's out to get your bumper, fender, and tire! As you travel to Walmart for the season - be careful OR try a different Walmart as the poles in Scarborough seem very well behaved!

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

LOOK: See the iconic cars that debuted the year you were born


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