Tim Baxter: ‘Rock Solid Conservative’ for the 1st CD
Seacoast Current invited each of the candidates in the Republican primary for a "live to tape" unedited interview lasting 10-15 minutes with Dan Alexander and SNHU Civic Scholar and founder of NH Political Capital Dean Spiliotes.
State Rep. Tim Baxter (R-Rockingham 20) considers himself a "rock solid conservative" in the GOP First Congressional District primary, and also the most accessible.
There is no doubt where Baxter, the youngest candidate in the race, is on the political spectrum, as he earned a rare endorsement from Sen. Rand Paul and pushed back on COVID-19 vaccine mandates, illegal immigration, and "wokeism" in schools.
Baxter says he has a "rock solid voting record supporting the Constitution fighting against not only the far left but spineless 'Rhinos' who are complicit in Joe Biden's destruction of our country."
His accessibility to his constituents will make him appeal to voters that might not agree with all his positions.
"I am an authentic candidate. Any person can call me. My phone number is 603-997-8108. We put it on our flyers and our mailings. I'm accessible. Even if you don't vote for me, I want to represent you. I think a lot of people can respect on both sides of the aisle the really tough stance I've taken against the corruption in DC, and against the corrupt leadership within my own party," Baxter said.
Republican Through and Through
Like most Republicans, Baxter did not support the Inflation Reduction Act, calling it "Orwellian" and a "slush fund for climate programs" that will not have any impact on inflation.
"Even the Congressional Budget Office, which is left-leaning...anyone says this is going to have virtually no impact on inflation. They know this is not going to magically reduce inflation. You might support this because may you think it so urgent that we have to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on climate change, even though most people can't afford to fill up their tank," Baxter said.
Baxter said the 87,000 IRS agents that will be hired as a result of the law will not bring in the expected revenue, as has been the case in the past.
"We don't need more IRS agents harassing small businesses in New Hampshire. I've called for abolishing the IRS. I think that's the appropriate response, especially the way the IRS has been weaponized and politicized against conservatives," Baxter said.
Instead of individuals reporting their income to the IRS, Baxter favors residents filing a flat 10% tax with their respective states, who would in turn make payment to the federal government.
"It's good enough for God. It's good enough for the damn politicians," Baxter said.
Baxter is against extending Obamacare, and favors expanding "consumer driven free market alternatives, expanding direct market primary care, making it easier for people to buy insurance across state lines and buying group association plans."
While not supporting every policy of Trump, Baxter would back another run by Trump for the White House and his America First policy.
"The realigning of our positions on China and foreign policy are two things I really agree with in terms of what Trump did," Baxter said. "I think people are so tired of these far left socialist policies. We need to push back on that," Baxter said.
The Influence of His Brother
If the issue of a federal ban on abortions were to come up, Baxter said that a very personal reason influenced his potential vote: his brother Taylor, who has special needs.
"It's one of the things that motivates me the most about my life, especially my public service. The way that babies with special needs get aborted in so many countries like China en masse is sickening. It's disgusting. I think as a member of Congress, we need to be taking action at the federal level and we have to get something done. It's so crucial," Baxter said.
He supports a federal ban on abortion in the 7th, 8th, and 9th months, similar to New Hampshire's current law.
Baxter believes the presence of electric vehicles will continue to grow, but he is against taxpayers subsidizing their purchase.
"If you want an electric vehicle, God bless you. But you shouldn't force people, especially when we're struggling as a whole, we shouldn't be using tax money to subsidize electric vehicles in any way, shape, or horn."
Taylor also influenced the decision to get into politics when the group home where he lives was threatened with closure.
"Just seeing the politicians not care and take advantage of those least fortunate in our community it just lit a fire under me to get involved and make a difference. I founded my non-profit (Second Chance) and the more and more I was seeing our system as I got more involved, it just woke me up to how corrupt our political system is," Baxter said.
Contact reporter Dan Alexander at Dan.Alexander@townsquaremedia.com or via Twitter @DanAlexanderNH
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