Editor's note: This article is a column/opinion piece written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England radio personality.

We need this story! 

Walter, a golden retriever from Somersworth, after almost a year of being lost, has been found.

According to Newsbreak.com, Kate Olsen, of Somersworth, along with Walter and Kate's boyfriend were walking around by their former home in Missouri in November 2019 when Walter slipped out of his collar and took off.

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Every dog owner's nightmare. Walter did not have a microchip.

Kate took several trips from NH back to Missouri just to search for Walter, but no luck. Then the pandemic hit and her travel was even more restricted. What was Kate going to do?  Well, she did what every four-legged mom would do, she called out for help and she found it.

Kate got help from Lost Paws Trapping out of Belleville, Illinois, who were able to catch Walter about 12 miles away from where he was lost. This was after the people from Lost Paws Trapping had been searching for Walter for months.

According to the story, they set up a camera where Walter was last seen and when they saw him, they gently trapped him and was able to catch him safely.  He was very dirty and had fleas, but other than that, he was in great health.

I can only imagine that phone call to Kate back in Somersworth. She must have been overjoyed to say the least. I wish I could have been in the room when Walter and Kate were reunited. I'm sure I would have cried the ugly cry! I wasn't there and you weren't either, but ... check out this video.  It shows mom and dog reunited at last.

This story has gone viral.  It even made Good Morning America!

Walter is expected to come back home to Somersworth with Kate where I'm pretty sure she's never going to take her eyes off of him.

KEEP LOOKING: See What 50 of America's Most 'Pupular' Dog Breeds Look Like as Puppies

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